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The Student Newspaper of Cambridge Rindge and Latin

The Register Forum

The Student Newspaper of Cambridge Rindge and Latin

The Register Forum

The Student Newspaper of Cambridge Rindge and Latin

The Register Forum

Willa Rudel

Willa Rudel, Photo Editor

What elementary school did you go to?

Amigos School

What other activities are you involved in at CRLS and/or in the community?

Soccer and peer mediation.

If you could interview anyone, dead or alive, who would it be and WHY?

I would interview Andrew Jackson because I want to know how he justified the things he did to the Native Americans in this country (to himself, not to the public). I would also want to know if he kept any record of how many Native Americans he killed and why he either did or didn't keep track of the number. I want to get inside of his head and hear why he did what he did so that I can start to spread awareness about the atrocities he and others have committed (and are committing) against Native Americans.

All content by Willa Rudel
Pictured: The closest thing CRLS has to a garden, a movable wheeled bed.

[Photo] CRLS Needs a Garden

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March 25, 2020
Throughout her years as the Latin teacher, Ms. Giacchino has transformed the program.

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Azusa Lippit, Around School Editor
March 8, 2020
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