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The Student Newspaper of Cambridge Rindge and Latin

The Register Forum

The Student Newspaper of Cambridge Rindge and Latin

The Register Forum

The Student Newspaper of Cambridge Rindge and Latin

The Register Forum

2024-2025 Staff

Abigail Habtehans

Abigail Habtehans

Favorite fictional character Pascal (the lizard from Rapunzel) Favorite food As of right now, raisin cookies What takes up your free time? Reading Toni Morrison and then writing Toni Morrison reviews for Register Forum ...

Madeline Nohrnberg

Madeline Nohrnberg

Favorite section in the paper Around school! There is so much that happens at CRLS that goes unnoticed. People tend to have an opinion on almost everything the school does, and what might seem like a small event can become a big story. Favorite journalist/media outlet ...

Managing Editor

Hazel Marcucella

Hannah Erickson
Managing Editor

Hannah Erickson

Favorite children's story/book Where the Sidewalk Ends by Shel Silverstein. I've got most of the poems memorized - my favorite is Ickle Me Pickle Me Tickle Me Too (went for a ride in a flying shoe) Favorite journalist/media outlet Humans of New ...

Alma Barak
Managing Editor

Alma Barak

Favorite children's story/book Narnia Favorite food Pasta with pink sauce, I swear it's a thing Favorite section in the paper AS, of course :)

Around School Editor

Ezra Lee

Around School Editor

Jordan Gwon

Nation Editor

Anna-Maria Chelidze

Nation Editor

Calvin Lewis

Metro Editor

Meadow Bilimoria

Opinion Editor

Lucy Bingham

Weyni Kidanemariam
Opinion Editor

Weyni Kidanemariam

Favorite children's story/book Elephant and piggie Favorite fictional character Bojack Horseman Favorite journalist/media outlet Gloria steinem

Isabelle Larabee
Sports Editor

Isabelle Larabee

Favorite fictional character Michael Scott Favorite food Mexican Favorite section in the paper Sports!

Oliver Henke
Sports Editor

Oliver Henke

Favorite journalist/media outlet Dan Shaughnessy of the Boston Globe What is the best part of a sandwich? Sauce What takes up your free time? Watching sports and eating

Photo Editor

Olive Berotta

Photo Editor

Ronan Muellner

Head Copyeditor

Lucia Mindell

Kristen Chun
Head Copyeditor

Kristen Chun

Favorite children's story/book The Sam's Sandwich books bring so much nostalgia. If you haven't read them, you're missing out. Favorite food I absolutely love spicy tteokbokki *chef's kiss*. It makes for the perfect late night snack. Favo...

Illustration Editor

Khadimatou Faye

Illustration Editor

Freddie Funck

Illustration Editor

Natania George

Audio and Visual Editor

Clara Fennell

Around School Sports Editor

Audrey Jordano

Games and Humor Editor

Alaan Clarke

Food and Culture Editor

Max Klumb

Arts and Entertainment Editor

Elijah Bartholomew

Arts and Entertainment Editor

Sophia Kennedy