Currently, one in five children in the United States struggle with some form of mental or physical illness. These struggles can include depression, anxiety, STIs, and more, and yet there are only 14 child therapists and doctors available for every 100,000 children in America. This makes access to proper healthcare incredibly difficult for many families. Additionally, the national cost of healthcare has increased drastically over the past decade, and the issue is exacerbated in Massachusetts.
However, at CRLS and beyond, there is a solution. The CRLS Teen Health Center (THC) offers various services, including physical immunizations, sexual and reproductive health counseling, mental health counseling, and psychiatry, all free of charge and entirely confidential. Students aged 12-24 can access these services not only while attending CRLS but also for years after graduation. Furthermore, even students who do not attend CRLS can benefit from the same free and confidential treatment through an invitation from a CRLS student. The THC is fully committed to ensuring that every student and child has access to proper and safe healthcare, and at CRLS, they work to make that a reality.
Students across the country and the world face the challenge of not being able to talk freely and openly about their health struggles as there is a stigma around discussing uncomfortable topics such as mental health, depression, and sex, but the existence of the THC helps to take the first step to eliminate that stigma. “Having a place where I can go and pick up necessary items for safety is comforting and helpful (LL ‘24). Having an office in the school where students can go at any time for any of these issues grants students the freedom to go whenever they need to and feel safe and supported.
The Teen Health Center staff members are professionals who are trained to create a safe space for students to discuss healthcare concerns and needs without fear of judgment. This allows students to begin talking openly about their concerns, eventually translating into the real world, where they can talk more openly and safely about health issues.
Students at CRLS struggle with various issues, including a lack of financial resources to receive help or no safe environment in which they can address their issues. The THC combats this, “The Teen Health Center created an environment where I could receive care without fear of judgment – as a result, I was able to receive the help I needed and am healthier from it (EC ‘25).”
The THC at CRLS provides a necessary resource for students who need access to proper and confidential healthcare services. The stigma around discussing these topics often prevents students from seeking help. However, having a safe and non-judgmental space like the THC can help eliminate that stigma and encourage students to talk openly about their concerns, allowing them to receive better healthcare services and overall have a healthier mind and body.