September Crossword

Piper Ullmann, Contributing Writer

5. Class of ’22
7. Popular lunch spot
9. 9th month
10. Friday Night Lights
11. Fall attire
13. Photosynthesizer
16. Cartographical sport
18. Fuji is one
19. CPSD school (abbr.)
20. Saved by the ___
22. Neil Young song, “___ Moon”
23. Antique Kindles
24. Bird of prey
27. Non-digital writing tools
28. Pumpkin spice ___


1. A big lump with knobs that has the juice
2. Writers’ home base
3. Service_club at CRLS (two words, space included)
4. A drink with donuts
6. Class of ’26
8. Introduction games
11. Romance language
12. Zuckerberg dropped out
14. Break in the day of yesteryear
15. Group of wolves
17. Cinnamon is one
18. Fall
21. Decorative fall fruit
25. Colorado resort
26. Hit the ___

This piece also appears in our September 2022 print edition.