New Policy Requires Students to Wear IDs
Students will be mandated to have their IDs on them at all times.
October 6, 2022
After the summer break, CRLS welcomed students back to school with open arms. However, by adding security measures, the school is tightening down on who is actually welcomed into the school and around the hallways. By the end of September, students will be expected to wear student IDs on their necks at all times, including while walking through the hallway to the bathroom.
Limited details have been given so far, but the assumptions are that doors will be closely watched, with staff present to check IDs as students enter the building. There are many doors for strangers to enter, and wearing IDs make this process safer; hopefully, it will be executed as such. However, some questions arise here. It’s hard enough to get to class in five minutes sometimes, and stopping for ID checks is sure to slow that down further. In correspondence with the Register Forum, Dr. Lam wrote, “I’m sure there will be a transition period when students and staff are getting used to the new policy, but I’m confident that we’ll figure it out quickly.” Many teachers are quite strict about getting to class on time, so will students have a case for being a few minutes late? Known for her punctual starts to class, Dr. Lam “do[es] not expect that ID checks will be a long-term excuse for being late to [her] class.” While there is expected to be an in-between period, administrators are hoping to move things along quickly. Overall, the policy would be ensuring that only authorized teachers and students are allowed into the school.
Another issue is lost or old IDs. Seniors have survived a pandemic since their freshman photos were taken, and many are bound to look different. Regardless of aging, for many, they just don’t have theirs anymore. Jay Rochberg ’24 told the Register Forum, “I don’t think I’ve seen my school ID for years. Last time I saw it, most of my face and name had rubbed off.” He continued, “I’m not sure how useful it would be if I actually brought it, what is it going to do?”
Another purpose for wearing IDs is to control the hallways during and between classes sufficiently. The new hall passes implemented at the end of last year never truly caught on, and the hallways were impossible to navigate during passing periods. While bathroom passes are still required by many teachers, IDs may give monitors a better chance to cut down on those roaming the hallway. World History teacher Ms. Simmons told the Register Forum her thoughts. “The school is so large that it’s incredibly hard to know everyone who’s in the hallway. Student IDs tell teachers who you are and where you might need to go.” It is uncertain how the school plans to use this new system in the hallways, but having your ID gives administrators the ability to check schedules and attendance if necessary.
This raises another critical question surrounding the new policy. Many students are wondering about punishments for not having your ID. High school students can be notoriously rebellious, especially in a school environment. Does the district expect high school students to constantly follow rules, especially when it’s something extra to remember? While speaking to the Register Forum, Issac Wedaman ’23 described how he “keeps [his school ID] in [his] wallet, but that’s either in [his] pocket or on [his] desk at home… the new policy won’t impact whether or not [he forgets his] wallet, but would add unwanted stress if [he does] forget it.”
Overall, the policy seems to have the backing of teachers and administrators, putting the school on a path toward smooth hallways and a safer environment. However, there remain questions from students about the intricacies of the policy. With the high potential for confusion, the effectiveness of the policy is yet to be seen.
This article also appears in our September 2022 print edition.