The Leech Speech
March 8, 2022
Losing words for richer speeches
‘Cause they appeal to many leeches
But is that what leeches like to do?
Give speeches and listen to the next in queue?
Leeches have other pastimes:
Reading books and writing rhymes,
Singing lovely valentines.
“This is my valentine for you
I wrote it just to make us two
So will you be my something new?
To play alone would make men sad.”
I imagine that’s what leech poetry is
Losing words for simple preaches
And all that we think it teaches.
On countless beaches, laying in number
The thousand leeches always slumber.
Leeches can cry too
From small paper cuts
Which irritate like what else they do
And fester so soft and black in hue.
But their heart, which is there,
Will ache at the sight
Of a childhood friend
Who is taking their flight
Away and all gone.
Leaving this poor little leech alone
To write speeches which make him feel better
Because that’s what leeches like to do.
This piece also appears in our February 2022 print edition.