CRLS Responds: Earth Day and Climate Change

Earth Day was first observed on April 22, 1970, initiated by the trio of Harvard student Denis Hayes, US Senator Graylord Nelson, and eco-activist Paul Erlich. While the holiday was first established in the US, it has since spread to 175 countries around the world. The day serves to reflect on what has been accomplished with regards to the planet, and to inspire future generations to take over the work of climate activists. 

Rahnuma Aroshi ’21

Joseph Duraisingh ’22

“Earth Day is a time to reflect on our relationship with the Earth and think about the ways we can improve ourselves in order to have a healthier world. Especially now that climate change is becoming an increasingly large threat, it is now more important than ever to give support to the Earth.”

Helen Hailemariam ’23

Mike Vlastellis ’24

“Earth Day means to me a day that everyone can team up with others and clean parks and dirty places to make our earth go one step forward. It is important to help our environment because we live in it and we have to live in a healthy and good place that keeps us alive.”

Carlie Duverglas ’23

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