Sweet Crepes


Courtesy of Handle the Heat: Nutella and strawberry crepes.

Ella Henry, Food & Culture Editor

A crepe is similar to a thin pancake, eaten as either a sweet or savory dish. The crepe recipe below is for a sweet crepe. Crepes are eaten in many different countries around the world in many different ways. I recommend you put your own twist on it!



¾ cups flour

3 eggs

Pinch of salt

1 ¼ scant cups milk

Fillings (whatever you want!)



Pour flour in a large bowl and make a well in the middle of it with your fingers. Crack eggs into the well and sprinkle in salt. Begin to whisk eggs while gently incorporating some of the flour from the edges, all while slowly streaming in milk. Continue to mix until flour is completely incorporated. Allow batter to sit for at least 15 minutes before cooking.

To cook, butter a pan (don’t be afraid to use a heavy hand) on medium heat. Slowly stream batter into pan using a ladle, while simultaneously lifting the pan and slowly swirling it until batter thinly and evenly coats the entire surface. Wait a few minutes until the bottom is cooked (it should begin to slide when you move it with your spatula) and flip it over. This second side should only take about 30 seconds to cook.

Remember: the first crepe is always the hardest. If your first one rips or comes out rough, don’t lose hope. The ones after that should be better.

Fill your crepes with whatever you want and enjoy!


Fillings I recommend (not all at once):

Jams, preserves, sugar, lemon curd, lemon juice, Nutella, fruits, creme patisserie, and more!